Sílvia Soler
 ©Diazwichmann Photography
©Diazwichmann Photography

Sílvia Soler

Figueres, Girona

Sílvia Soler (Figueres, 1961) is a journalist. As a writer she is known for the collection of short stories Arriben els ocells de nit (1985) and the novels El centre exacte de la nit (1992); El son dels volcans (Columna, 1998); L’arbre de Judes (Columna, 2001); 39+1, L’edat en què una dona sap que l’home de la seva vida és ella mateixa (Columna, 2005) and 39+1+1, Enamorar-se és fàcil si saps com (Columna, 2007). She co-wrote the book Ramblejar (1992). With the novel Mira’m als ulls she was awarded with the Fiter i Rossell Award, and the book Petons de diumenge (Columna, 2008) won the Prudenci Bertrana Prize in 2008. She makes regular appearances in the catalan media.