Alfredo Grimaldos

Alfredo Grimaldos

Madrid, 1956

Alfredo Grimaldos Feito (Madrid, 1956), has a degree in Media Studies from the Universidad Complutense. He has
combined investigative journalism with his work as a flamenco critic. Among the books he has written are: La sombra de Franco en la Transición, La CIA en España, Zaplana, el brazo incorrupto del PP, La Iglesia en España (1977-2008) and La Lidere S.A. He has been editor of the flamenco information magazine Cabal (1982-1985), and editor and presenter of radio programmes:
La hora del duende (1984-1990) and A compás (1991-1996). He has also published numerous articles about flamenco. Since 1989 he has been the flamenco critic for El Mundo. He is also the author of the book Luis de la Pica. El duende taciturno (2006).